llwytho / loading

Opsiynnau / Options

⚠ Selecting a template will overwrite any custom changes you've made.
Neu creu un eich hun / Or make one of your own
To make a custom Prismiaith, type your text into the prism sides over to the left.

The blue dashed lines that appear are guides, and won't be on your final printout.

Change the colour of the background and text by using the colour boxes at the top of the page

To print your Prismiaith, set
  • Page Orientation to Landscape
  • Scale to 100%
  • Margins to None
Don't forget to save before sharing the link to your Prismiaith!

alt alt
Darllenadwyedd Isel / Low Readability
Darllenadwyedd Isel / Low Readability
Darllenadwyedd Isel / Low Readability