llwytho / loading

Opsiynnau / Options

Set parod / Pre-made
Neu wnewch un eich hun / Or make one yourself
Dewiswch ON i'r negeseuon ymddangos yn awtomatig, OFF i'r negeseuon ymddangos ar glic. (Bydd rhaid i chi clicio ar y fotwm chwarae i ddechrau'r olyniaeth beth bynnag). / Turn ON if you want messages to appear automatically, OFF to click to show the next one. (You'll still have to click the play button to start the sequence).
Faint o amser mewn eiliadau mae'r neges yn aros nes bod y neges nesaf yn ymddangos. (Nid yw'n berthnasol os bydd ymlaen-awtomateg I FFWRDD) / How much time in seconds each message waits before the next shows (is ignored if auto-advance is OFF)
YMLAEN i animeiddio negeseuon wrth iddynt ymddangos. / When on, messages will be animated when they appear.
YMLAEN i animeiddio teipio negeseuon. / When on, characters of the first mentioned person's messages will appear one by one in a "typing" animation.
YMLAEN i chwarae seiniau wrth i'r negeseuon gyrraedd. / When on, sounds will play when messages arrive.
Y sain pan fydd neges yn cyrraedd. / The sound to play when a message arrives.